Blindfold-Bunny-Baby's Playhouse of Horror

Friday, November 17, 2006

A very disturbing trend....

Holy Watership Down, Batman! Blindfold-bunny-baby has a rival for the attention of the blogosphere. If further proof were needed that Bunny-baby is evil, destroys lives and deserves to be blindfolded, THIS is it.

Blindfold-bunny-baby is incensed by the escalation in the sense of humor stakes, and has gone all sinister on me.


  • At 4:19 PM, Blogger jbaker said…

    Aww geez.......can't you just admit defeat? I mean, I'm like one of those American people from USA that do so well in all the wars we get ourselves into. Sure you want to mess with me? Remember that I have Candace and Steve on my side. They'll wipe you up with their breakfast toast scraps.


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